Whether works have started: no, and they will not. Why the Commission argued that there had been an infringement: the health authority was not bound by the transposing regulations because of its Crown immunity, and it appeared that impact assessment would not take place in any event, as the Secretary of State for the Environment had decided that the project would not have a significant effect on the environment and did not therefore require impact assessment, but did not furnish the Commission with the reasons for this decision.
Justification du constat d'infraction de la Commission : l'immunité du pouvoir royal dont bénéficie l'administration de la Santé la dispensait de respecter les dispositions transposant la directive et il était clair qu'il n'y aurait de toute façon pas d'étude d'impact puisque le secrétaire d'Etat à l'Environnement, ayant décrété que l'installation ne compromettrait pas notablement l'environnement, n'en avait pas demandé; cependant, ce dernier a omis de notifier les motifs de sa décision à la Commission.