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Become conversant with the work to be remounted
Clean timber
Clear airport runways
Clear diesel
Clear diesel fuel
Clear fuel
Clear lumber
Clear stuff
Clear timber
Clear wood
Decision which has become final
Entrepreneurial intention
Familiarise yourself with the remounting of the work
Familiarise yourself with the work to be remounted
Final decision
Free stuff
Get youth ready for adulthood
Intent to become a business owner
Intention to become a business owner
Intention to become an entrepreneur
Judgment which has become final
Judgment which has entered into force
Judgment which has obtained the force of res judicata
Judgment which has the force of res judicata
Judgment which is res judicata
Keep airport runways clear of debris and obstacles
Keep airport runways clear of obstacles
Keep airport runways clear of obstacles and debris
Keep this passageway clear
Keep this space clear at all times
Likely to become an A item
Likely to become an I item
Non-coloured diesel
Non-coloured diesel fuel
Non-coloured fuel
Non-coloured fuel oil
Non-dyed diesel
Non-dyed diesel fuel
Non-dyed fuel
Prepare youth for becoming adults
Prepare youth to become adults
Prepare youths for adulthood
Sentence having obtained the force of res judicata
This space must be kept clear at all times
To become boggy
To become peaty
To become swampy
To turn peaty
Uncoloured diesel
Uncoloured diesel fuel
Uncoloured diesel oil
Uncoloured fuel
Uncoloured fuel oil
Undyed diesel
Undyed diesel fuel
Undyed fuel
Unmarked diesel
Unmarked diesel fuel
Unmarked fuel

Vertaling van "becomes clear " (Engels → Frans) :

to become boggy | to become peaty | to become swampy | to turn peaty

se transformer en tourbe | se transformer en tourbière

entrepreneurial intention | intention to become an entrepreneur | intention to become a business owner | intent to become a business owner

intention de devenir entrepreneur | intention entrepreneuriale

become conversant with the work to be remounted | become well-versed with the components of the work to be remounted | familiarise yourself with the remounting of the work | familiarise yourself with the work to be remounted

se familiariser avec l'œuvre objet d'une reprise

get youth ready for adulthood | prepare youth to become adults | prepare youth for becoming adults | prepare youths for adulthood

préparer les jeunes au passage à l’âge adulte

likely to become an A item | likely to become an I item

susceptible de devenir point A | susceptible de devenir point I

decision which has become final | final decision | judgment which has become final | judgment which has entered into force | judgment which has obtained the force of res judicata | judgment which has the force of res judicata | judgment which is res judicata | sentence having obtained the force of res judicata

décision passée en force de chose jugée | jugement ayant autorité de chose jugée | jugement ayant force de chose jugée

clear airport runways | keep airport runways clear of obstacles and debris | keep airport runways clear of debris and obstacles | keep airport runways clear of obstacles

garder les pistes d'un aéroport exemptes d'obstacles

clear lumber [ clean timber | clear timber | clear stuff | free stuff | clear wood | clears ]

bois sans défauts [ bois net | bois net d'anomalies | bois net d'anomalies visibles | bois net de défauts visibles | bois net de défauts ]

keep this space clear at all times | this space must be kept clear at all times | keep this passageway clear

maintenir l'accès libre

undyed diesel fuel | non-coloured diesel fuel | uncoloured diesel fuel | unmarked diesel fuel | non-dyed diesel fuel | clear diesel fuel | uncoloured diesel oil | undyed diesel | non-coloured diesel | unmarked diesel | non-dyed diesel | uncoloured diesel | clear diesel | undyed fuel | non-dyed fuel | non-coloured fuel | uncoloured fuel | unmarked fuel | clear fuel | non-coloured fuel oil | uncoloured fuel oil

diesel clair | diésel clair | diesel non coloré | diésel non coloré | mazout non coloré | mazout clair
The absence of dynamism in intra-EU services trade becomes clear when mirrored against EU's global trade in services.

L’absence de dynamisme des échanges de services intra-UE est flagrante au regard de la place qu’occupe l’UE dans le commerce mondial des services.

In the light of the experience acquired and following an assessment by the Commission of the Union system of pharmacovigilance, it has become clear that it is necessary to take measures in order to improve the operation of Union law on the pharmacovigilance of medicinal products for human use.

Au vu de l’expérience acquise et après l’évaluation par la Commission du système de pharmacovigilance de l’Union, il est apparu clairement qu’il était nécessaire de prendre des mesures en vue d’améliorer la mise en œuvre de la législation de l’Union sur la pharmacovigilance des médicaments à usage humain.

If, on the basis of such indications, it becomes clear that a person should be included in two or more different categories as defined in this Annex, all data allowed under such categories may be processed by Europol.

Si, sur la base de ces indications, il s'avère qu'une personne devrait être incluse dans plusieurs catégories différentes prévues par la présente annexe, Europol peut traiter toutes les données autorisées pour ces catégories.

If, at any time during the course of an analysis, it becomes clear on the basis of serious and corroborating indications that a person should be included in a category of persons, as defined in this Annex, other than the category in which that person was initially placed, Europol may process only the data on that person which is permitted under that new category, and all other data shall be deleted.

Si, à un moment au cours de l'analyse, il apparaît clairement, sur la base d'indications sérieuses et concordantes, qu'une personne devrait être inscrite dans une autre catégorie de personnes prévue par la présente annexe que celle dans laquelle elle a été inscrite à l'origine, Europol ne peut traiter, pour cette personne, que les données autorisées pour la nouvelle catégorie, toutes les autres données devant être effacées.

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As not all market participants that are subject to the clearing obligation are able to become clearing members of the CCP, they should have the possibility to access CCPs as clients or indirect clients subject to certain conditions.

Les participants au marché soumis à l'obligation de compensation ne peuvent pas tous devenir membres compensateurs d'une contrepartie centrale. Ils devraient donc pouvoir y accéder en tant que clients ou clients indirects, sous réserve de certaines conditions.

Mr. Speaker, to date we have been urging the Minister of National Defence to put his plan for new fighter jets out to tender, but with the air force calling for 80 planes, not 65, what becomes clear is that the government has no clear sense of its own requirements.

Monsieur le Président, jusqu'ici, nous avons toujours exhorté le ministre de la Défense nationale à assujettir son plan d'acquisition de nouveaux avions de chasse à un processus d'appel d'offres. Toutefois, on se rend compte maintenant que le gouvernement n'a aucune idée de ses propres besoins puisque l'aviation demande qu'on lui livre 80 appareils, pas 65.

If it were to become abundantly clear to the Canada Revenue Agency that the HRTC was not going to be passed.Currently, Parliament has agreed in principle to the ways and means motion that was tabled with the budget, and the CRA will continue administering it on that basis until such time as it becomes clear that Parliament will not pass it.

S'il devenait très évident pour l'Agence du revenu du Canada que le crédit d'impôt pour la rénovation domiciliaire ne sera pas adopté.À l'heure actuelle, le Parlement a donné son accord de principe à la motion de voies et moyens déposée avec le budget, et l'ARC continuera d'administrer le budget en se fondant là-dessus, jusqu'à ce qu'il devienne clair que le Parlement n'adoptera pas le projet de loi.

Only when it becomes clear that reform is not possible should abolition be pursued, but clearly, the status quo is not acceptable.

L'abolition ne devrait être envisagée que dans l'impossibilité d'effectuer une réforme, mais, ce qui est sûr, c'est que le statu quo n'est pas acceptable.

Between Chicken Little's report and his refusal to be clear about Bill C-30, one thing has become clear.

Qu'on pense au rapport de Chicken Little ou à son refus d'être clair au sujet du projet de loi C-30, une chose est devenue claire.

In view of the need to restructure and modernise the shipbuilding sector in Mecklenburg- Vorpommern it has become clear that a higher level of production aid will be needed for some time in order to allow the yards to become competitive and to enable them to participate in the market on the same basis as other Community shipyards.

Etant donné que le secteur de la construction navale dans le Land de Mecklembourg-Poméranie occidentale doit être restructuré et modernisé, il est devenu évident qu'un renforcement des aides à la production sera nécessaire pendant un certain temps pour permettre à ces chantiers de devenir concurrentiels et d'accéder au marché sur la même base que leurs homologues communautaires.
