The "black spots" identified when food aid was distributed in 1984-85 mean that it will be necessary to : ./. -3- - reinforce capacities for unloading and storing goods and getting them away from the ports, in which there were notable shortcomings ; - get rid of the main black spots encountered in rail and road links with isolated areas (we are thinking here of light infrastructure such as fords, temporary bridges, etc.) ; - ensure that the existing heavy transport fleet is well maintained (purchase of spare parts, strengthening of maintenance and repair services).
Tenant compte des "points noirs" reperes lors de la distribution des aides alimentaires en 1984-1985 il faudra, entre autre : - renforcer la capacite de debarquement, de stockage
et d'evacuation des ports, la ou les defaillances ont ete notoires; - effacer les "points noirs" principaux observes sur les infrastructures de transports ferroviaires ou routieres menant aux zones enclavees (on pense a cet effet a des infrastructures legeres, par ex. ponts-radiers, ponts provisoires, etc.) ; - assurer que le materiel de transport lourd existant soit bien entretenu (achat de pieces de rechange, renforcement des services d'entretien et de repar