Mr. Phillips: Of all our functions, the one that I regard as most important is our function to advise Parliament on privacy matters of which we think it should be aware, both in terms of the general impact on personal privacy of changes in society at large which brings into mind the whole issue of technology and how that is affecting privacy but most especially of things that are under the purview of the Parliament of Canada that have a bearing on privacy. This is one of them.
M. Phillips: De toutes nos fonctions, la plus importante, à mon avis, est celle qui consiste à conseiller le Parlement sur les questions touchant la protection de la vie privée, c'est-à-dire l'impact général, sur la vie privée, des changements qui s'opèrent dans la société en général comme les changements technologiques , mais surtout des activités qui relèvent de la compétence du Parlement du Canada.