78) Case C-62/86, AKZO v Commission, [1991] ECR I-3359, paragraph 60; Case T-228/97, Irish Sugar v Commission, [1999] ECR II-2969, paragraph 70, Case Hoffmann-La Roche v Commission, op. cit, paragraph 41, Case T-139/98, AAMS and Others v Commission [2001 ECR II-0000, paragraph 51. However, larg
e market shares can become accurate measurements only on the assumption that competitors a
re unable to expand their output by sufficient volume to meet the shi
...[+++]fting demand resulting from a rival's price increase.
(78) Arrêt rendu dans l'affaire C-62/86, AKZO contre Commission, Recueil 1991, p. I-3359, point 60; arrêts rendus dans l'affaire T-228/97, Irish Sugar contre Commission, Recueil 1999, p. II-2969, point 70, l'affaire Hoffmann-La Roche contre Commission précitée, point 41 et l'affaire T-139/98, AAMS et autres contre Commission, point 51, non encore publiée au Recueil.