51 (1) If a judge has ceased to hold office otherwise than by reason of death and, at the time he or she ceased to hold office, no annuity under this Act was granted or could be granted to that judge, there shall thereupon be paid to the judge, in respect of his or her having ceased to hold that office, an amount equal to the total contributions made by him or her under subsection 50(1) or paragraph 50(2)(a), together with interest, if any, calculated pursuant to subsection (4).
51 (1) Les juges qui, à la cessation de leurs fonctions, ne reçoivent pas la pension prévue par la présente loi, notamment parce qu’ils n’y sont pas admissibles, ont droit au remboursement intégral des cotisations qu’ils ont versées aux termes du paragraphe 50(1) ou de l’alinéa 50(2)a) ainsi qu’aux intérêts calculés conformément au paragraphe (4).