Q. whereas in a numb
er of Member States collective bargaining helps the labour market to operate flexibly and is a key element of labour law as well as an essential regulatory tool; whereas conditions concerning industrial relations must be respected and traditions of industrial relations and level of trade union membership vary in the Member States; whereas Member States should promote social dialogue between social par
tners at all levels because this can be an effective means of helping to achieve appropriate reforms in labour law
...[+++], R. Whereas action at European Union level must respect Member States' competence in the field of labour law and the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality, at the same time the European Parliament expects the Commission to propose legislative initiatives when this is necessary to underpin a system of minimum social standards applicable throughout the Union, on the basis of the Community acquis,S. whereas in order to meet the current economic challenges the European Union must do its utmost to ensure the stability of the Member States’ labour markets, respond to the large-scale redundancies in certain sectors and provide its citizens with a higher level of health and safety in the workplace than before, which is essential for maintaining living conditions in harmony with human dignity and fundamental European values,2. accueille favorablement le débat qui a été lancé sur la nécessité d'améliorer le droit du travail pour relever les défis du XXI siècle, et en particulier la nécessité de faire reculer l'insécurité associée parfois aux formes de travail atypique, ainsi que de renforcer la protection des travailleurs vulnérables, afin de créer des emplois en plus grand nombre et de meilleure qualité et d'assurer une plus grande cohésion sociale, et de s
atisfaire ainsi aux objectifs de la stratégie de Lisbonne; estime que les améliorations du droit du travail doivent être cohérentes avec les principes inscrits dans la Charte des droits fondamentaux, en
...[+++]particulier à son chapitre IV, et permettre de respecter et de sauvegarder les valeurs du modèle social européen et les acquis sociaux;