– having regard to the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and of the General Court on access to documents, and notably to the judgments of the Court of Justice in the cases Access Info Europe (case C-280/11 P), Donau Chemie
(C-536/11), IFAW v Commission (C-135/11), My Travel (C-506/08 P), Turco (joined cases C-39/05 P and C-52/05 P), and to the judgments of the General Court in the cases of In ‘t Veld v Council (T-529/09), Germany v Commission (T-59/09), EnBW v Com
mission (T-344/08), Sviluppo Globale (T-6/10), Inte
...[+++]rnationaler Hilfsfonds (T-300/10), European Dynamics (T-167/10), Jordana (T-161/04) and CDC (T-437/08),– vu la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice et du Tribunal de l'Union européenne sur l'accès aux documents, et notamment les arrêts rendus par la Cour dans les affaires Access Info Europe (affaire C-280/11 P), Donau Chem
ie (C-536/11), IFAW/Commission (C-135/11), My Travel (C-506/08 P), Turco (affaires conjointes C-39/05 P et C-52/05 P) et les arrêts du Tribunal dans les affaires In 't Veld/Conseil (T-529/09), Allemagne/Commission (T-59/09), EnBW/Com
mission (T-344/08), Sviluppo Globale (T-6/10), Internationaler Hilfsfonds (T-300/10), E
...[+++]uropean Dynamics (T-167/10), Jordana (T-161/04) et CDC (T-437/08),