Please keep in mind that when we discuss this bill and the new latitude we're giving to the Parole Board of Canada that these are offenders who have caused grievous physical harm; maimed someone for life; or were attempting to murder, or did murder, victims or a victim. I'm talking primarily—not entirely exclusively, but primarily—about the likes of the Clifford Olsons, and his devastatingly painful victim count; the David Shearings, who killed an entire family; the David Dobsons,
who savagely killed Darlene Prioriello; and the Munro brothers, who sho
t, held, and killed Constable ...[+++] Michael Sweet.
Il s'agit, non pas exclusivement, mais essentiellement, de gens comme Clifford Olson, qui a fait un nombre effroyablement élevé de victimes; David Shearing, qui a tué tous les membres d'une même famille; David Dobson, qui a sauvagement assassiné Darlene Prioriello; et les frères Munro, qui ont enlevé et tué par balles le constable Michael Sweet.