The practical arrangements for such an obligation (scope, filtering, period of storage, deletion, etc.) will be considered in detail at a later stage on the basis of a proposal to be submitted by the Commission before the summer of 2005, in the case of nationals of non-member countries, or where the nationality of the convicted person is not known to the Member State of conviction, a European index would be created identifying the Member State of conviction.
Les modalités d'une telle obligation (champ d'application, filtrage, durée de conservation, effacement etc.) feront l'objet d'un examen approfondi ultérieurement, sur base d'une proposition que la Commission fera avant l'été 2005, pour les ressortissants des Etats tiers, ou lorsque la nationalité de la personne condamnée n’est pas connue de l’Etat membre de condamnation, un index européen serait crée permettant d’identifier l’Etat membre de condamnation.