Within the Council, criminalising an attempt at ‘recruitment’ and an attempt at ‘training’ has nonetheless been discussed – some of the Member States being in favour and the others opposed (An attempt at ‘public provocation’ is difficult to conceive, hence the possibility of making it a criminal offence was eliminated straight away.) The arrangement finally adopted by the Council in its 18 April 2008 guideline (and also by the Council of Europe in the Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism) is that of optional criminalisation of attempted recruitment and training.
Au sein du Conseil, l'incrimination de la tentative de "recrutement" et de la tentative d'"entraînement" a cependant fait l'objet de débats, une partie des États membres y étant favorable et l'autre opposée (quant à la tentative de "provocation publique", elle est difficilement concevable, aussi la possibilité de l'incriminer a-t-elle été éliminée d'emblée).