On the issue of the exploitation of water and the overexploitation of water by the settlements, I should like to refer my fellow Members to the Special Report on the Situation in the Jordan Valley by the Euromed parliamentary assembly which, itself, quotes time and again from the World Bank report entitled Assessment of Restrictions on Palestinian Water Sector Development and from the Amnesty International Troubled Waters report, and so on. These reports put exact figures on this exploitation, which is four to five times greater amongst the Israelis.
Sur la question de l’exploitation de l’eau et de la surexploitation de l’eau des colonies, je voudrais ramener mes collègues au Special report on the situation in the Jordan valley de l’Assemblée parlementaire Euromed qui, elle-même, cite abondamment le rapport de la Banque mondiale intitulé Assessment of restrictions on palestinian water sector development et le rapport d’Amnesty International Troubled waters etc., qui d
onnent les chiffres exacts de cette exploitation, laquelle est
quatre à cinq fois plus importante chez les ...[+++] Israéliens.