Among the problems of common interest in this field, the Commission has selected three which, it fells, are of particular signifiance for a new and more detailed phase of the exchange of views which has been going since 1983 in the wake of the initial communication on this topic w
hich the Commission sent to the Council in 1982. They are the problems underlying the financing of current or projected needs in terms o
f social protection expenditure, the implication of demographic trends and the worsening problem of marginalization (the "n
...[+++]ew poor") which is affecting or threatening a considerable number of people in the Member States. 1. Financing problems In spite of steps taken to curb the growth in social expenditure over the last few years, the public authorities were long unable to restore financial equilibrium and were thus obliged to impose new social charges or taxes. In 1984, the percentage of the gross domestic product accounted for by current public revenue -up to two thirds of which is destined for the financing of social protection - was close to 50% in most Member States.En 1984 le pourcentage du produit interieur brut qui representaient les recettes publiques courantes - dont jusqu'a deux tiers sont destines au financement de la protection sociale - a ete proche de 50 % dans la plupart des pays membres.