655. In the case of the winding-up of a bank, the expenses resulting from the taking of control of the bank under subsection 648(1) and assessed against and paid by other banks and by authorized foreign banks under section 23 of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Act, and interest in respect of the expenses at any rate that is specified by the Superintendent, constitute a claim of Her Majesty in right of Canada against the assets of the bank that ranks after all other claims but prior to any claim in respect of the shares or membership shares of the bank.
655. En cas de liquidation de la banque, les frais visés au paragraphe 654(1), ainsi que l’intérêt afférent au taux fixé par le surintendant, constituent, sur l’actif de la banque, une créance de Sa Majesté du chef du Canada venant au dernier rang mais avant toute créance sur les actions ou les parts sociales de la banque.