s we are all aware, they vary greatly in size and nature but they all, from the large
st to the smallest, whatever their role or powers, represent certain shared values – the value of proxim
ity, of the closest possible adherence to the views, opinions and needs of the citizens, the value of the most immediate and widespread democratic participation possible – and the European Constitution must recognise that th
...[+++]ey all have a key role to play in the achievement of the goal set for the Convention on the Future of Europe: the goal of bringing Europe considerably closer to the citizens, of making the Union more democratic as well as more effective.
Elles sont, comme nous le savons tous, de dimension et de nature très diverses mais elles représentent toutes, des plus grandes aux plus petites, quelque soit le rôle et le poids de chacune, des valeurs communes : la valeur de la proximité, de l’adhérence plus étroite aux sentiments, aux opinions, aux besoins des citoyens, la valeur de la participation démocratique la plus immédiate et la plus répandue possible.