I support it because, and it may be trite to say, it is the right thing to do. Members from across this country in years to come, in particular some of the members on the other side who are a little lighter in age as I am—well, I do have until next week at which point the age of wisdom kicks in—will appreciate that colleagues of their own, friends of theirs and neighbours will be taken care of and the initiatives taken by this government at this time in our lives helped.
Dans les années à venir, les parlementaires de partout au Canada, notamment certains députés d'en face qui sont un peu plus jeunes comme moi—bien que j'aurai, la semaine prochaine, l'âge de la sagesse—se réjouiront de la protection dont bénéficieront leurs collègues, amis et voisins grâce aux initiatives maintenant prises par le gouvernement.