The honourable gentlemen is right to recommend that the European Union should in the coming weeks and months monitor very carefully what is happening in Zimbabwe and provide assistance and support wherever it is appropriate for us to do so. We would certai
nly want to endorse this, and my colleague Commissioner Nielson and I will certainly intensify our efforts to strengthen channels of communication, both formal and informal, with President Mugabe and his government, to facilitate the transiti
...[+++]on to effective multi-party democracy.
C'est une chose à laquelle nous voulons assurément souscrire et vous pouvez être certains que mon collègue, le commissaire Nielson, et moi-même allons intensifier nos efforts pour renforcer la communication, formelle et informelle, avec le président Mugabe et son gouvernement, afin de faciliter la transition vers une démocratie pluraliste effective.