Collectively we can find it, but not if the minister is going to make a decision and say that is it (1835) Mr. Dominic LeBlanc (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Defence, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the member from St. John's. His kind comments as he began his statement made me think that his long parliamentary experience, both in this House and in the Newfoundland House of Assembly where he served in many roles, gives him a great knowledge of fisheries issues.
Collectivement, nous pouvons trouver une solution, mais ce ne sera pas le cas si c'est le ministre qui décide et que sa décision est finale (1835) M. Dominic LeBlanc (secrétaire parlementaire du ministre de la Défense nationale, Lib.): Je remercie le député de St. John's, monsieur le Président.