I have attempted in these past few minutes to establish this position, which in all aspects reflects the position of the various governments of Quebec over the years and the constitutional demands of the Government of Quebec. As I pointed out just now, since the new government has been in place, I have been a member of the standing committee on human resources, and in my daily work on that committee, particularly as the critic for training and post-secondary education, I have seen the same phenomenon at work there: an attempt to interfere-more than an attempt, constant interference, ongoing, and increasing.
depuis l'arrivée du nouveau gouvernement, je siège au Comité permanent des ressources humaines, et par mon travail quotidien au sein de ce comité, et en particulier comme critique en matière de formation et d'éducation postsecondaire, j'ai pu constater le même phénomène: une tentative d'ingérence, ce n'est pas seulement une tentative, une ingérence constante, continue, qui s'accentue.