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Force Headquarters
Heading control assist
Headquarters of the Peace-keeping Force
Keep aloof
Keep apart
Keep grant applicant advised
Keep grant applicant briefed
Keep grant applicant informed
Keep scholarship applicant notified
Keep to oneself
Keep to program
Keep to programme
Keep to schedule
Keeping life
Keeping qualities
Keeping quality
Lane keeping assist system
Lane keeping assistance
Lane keeping support
Lane-keeping assist
Lane-keeping assistance system
Lane-keeping assistant
Lane-keeping system
March to the beat of a different drummer
Peace-keeping Force HQ
Peace-keeping Force Headquarters
Peace-keeping HQ
Power to assert oneself
Station keeping equipments
Station keeping radar
Station keeping system
Storage life
To criminate oneself
To incriminate oneself
To keep oneself steady

Traduction de «keep to oneself » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
keep to oneself [ keep apart | keep aloof | march to the beat of a different drummer ]

faire bande à part [ marcher à contre-pas ]

to criminate oneself | to incriminate oneself


lane-keeping assistance system [ lane keeping assistance | lane-keeping system | lane-keeping assist | lane keeping assist system | lane-keeping assistant | lane keeping support | heading control assist ]

aide au suivi de voie [ suivi de voie automatique ]

keep grant applicant advised | keep grant applicant briefed | keep grant applicant informed | keep scholarship applicant notified

tenir le demandeur d'une subvention informé

Peace-keeping Force Headquarters [ Peace-keeping Force HQ | Peace-keeping HQ | Headquarters of the Peace-keeping Force | Force Headquarters ]

quartier général de la Force [ état-major de la Force de maintien de la paix | QG de la Force | QG de la Force de maintien de la paix ]

keep to program | keep to programme | keep to schedule

tenir les délais

station keeping equipments | station keeping radar | station keeping system

radar de tenue de poste

keeping quality (1) | keeping qualities (2) | keeping life (3) | storage life (4)

conservabilité (1) | durabilité (2) | conservation (3)

forcefulness | power to assert oneself

capacité de s'imposer
Even though the police are of this opinion, and two royal commissions have made substantially the same recommendations, and I cannot imagine that elected politicians would be going out of their way not to take upon themselves and their advisers a kind of coherent, strategic capacity on this issue, are you saying it is essentially the bureaucratic biases of protect oneself first and one's freedom of operation that are keeping the matter from moving ahead?

Même si la police appuie cette proposition et que deux commissions royales d'enquête ont formulé essentiellement les mêmes recommandations, et même si j'imagine que les élus et leurs conseillers seraient sans doute favorables à ce qu'une personne soit dotée d'une capacité stratégique cohérente à cet égard, ce qui nous empêche d'avancer dans cette direction, c'est la volonté des bureaucrates de se protéger eux-mêmes avant tout et leur liberté d'agir?

Mr. Aureano: One of the major problems is certainly the fact that we can keep on scaring ourselves for a very long time, and it is very easy to scare oneself.

M. Aureano : Un des problèmes majeurs, c'est sans doute qu'on peut se faire peur très longtemps et c'est très facile de se faire peur.

As Inspector Sneddon has said, they want to protect their source because they are afraid that if they go to court, they will be compelled to disclose; and with that fear, there is a tendency to keep the information for oneself.

Comme l'inspecteur Sneddon l'a dit, le SCRS ou la GRC veulent protéger leurs sources de crainte que celles-ci soient contraintes de divulguer des renseignements si elles comparaissent devant le tribunal; c'est pourquoi chacun a tendance à garder l'information pour soi.

Contenting oneself with proposing to them a change in the presentation of the text, imagining that it is only the context that could have made some nations say no, would not be in keeping with the reality of the vote of these nations.

Se contenter de leur proposer un changement de présentation du texte en imaginant que c'est seulement le contexte qui aurait conduit certains peuples à dire non ne serait pas en phase avec la réalité du vote de ces peuples.

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Really, the only other times we could see an emphasis on defence was the actual building of castle walls to keep oneself and one's citizenry protected from the catapults, arrows and other things with which belligerent forces were threatening.

En réalité, le seul autre moment où l'accent a été mis sur la défense était l'époque où on construisait des murs autour des châteaux pour se protéger et protéger ses citoyens des catapultes, des flèches et des autres armes utilisées par les belligérants pour les menacer.

As the Honorable Senator Gauthier stated eloquently: ``When one commits oneself, one keeps one's word''.

Comme le sénateur Gauthier l'a dit de façon éloquente: «Lorsqu'on s'engage, on tient parole».
