Broadly speaking, the state of our law would be reduced to somet
hing reminiscent of what it was in the Middle Ages, both by the extradition agreement, w
hich goes very much farther than what was urged, covering, as it does, very many more types of crime
than terrorism – it is enough to have been sentenced to one year’s imprisonment under the penal legislation of the country by or from which extradition is reques
...[+++]ted – and by the second part of the agreement, namely that relating to what is termed mutual legal aid.
Tant l’accord sur l’extradition, qui va beaucoup plus loin que ce qu’on allègue en ce sens qu’il comprend des délits beaucoup plus nombreux que le terrorisme - il suffit d’avoir été condamné à un an de prison en vertu de la législation pénale requérante et du requérant - que sa deuxième partie, à savoir l’aide mutuelle judiciaire, ramèneront l’administration de la justice chez nous à une époque moyenâgeuse - dans le sens large du terme.