The reason is that the people who laid those mines are in the enemy forces, but if you're going to have reunification, you have to have some kind of resettlement with some kind of interrelationship with the people, and if you make the people who laid the mines come and help remove the mines as part of the peace agreement, you're starting at least to put people together so that they can work on a common goal, which is food and shelter.
Ce sont les forces ennemies qui ont posé ces mines mais s'il y a réunification, s'il y a réinstallation, cela sous-entend une inter-relation entre les gens et si ceux qui ont posé ces mines contribuent au déminage dans le cadre d'un accord de paix, cela permettra aux gens de se rassembler, de travailler à l'atteinte d'un objectif commun, à savoir se procurer de la nourriture et un toit.