I wanted to ask you as well about the Learn to Camp program, because it always struck me that knowing how to camp and what to buy and all that kind of stuff was something you learned in Brownies, Boy Scouts, Venturers or something or from your parents or not at all. It would never occur to a lot of new Canadians to go to a Canadian Tire, buy all the stuff, load up their van, and take the family to a park.
Je voulais vous parler aussi du programme d'initiation au camping car j'ai toujours considéré que savoir camper, savoir quoi acheter et tous les trucs de ce genre-là, c'était quelque chose qu'on apprenait chez les Brownies, chez les scouts, chez les Pionniers, ou quelque chose comme ça, ou auprès de ses parents, ou pas du tout.