ve evidence, to sit only during a time when the Standing Committee is not sitting, unless agreed by the Chair of the Standing Committee, to print from day to day such papers as may be ordered by it and to authorize the Chair to hold meetings to receive evidence when a quorum is not present provided that at least 3 members are present including the opposition; That when the Chair of the Sub-Committee is unable to act in that capacity at or during a meeting of the Sub-Committee, he shall designate a member of the Sub-Committee to act as Chair at or during the said meeting; That substitution of members on the Sub-Committee be in a
...[+++]ccordance with Standing Order114(2)(b) and (c); That the Committee authorize the allocation of sufficient funds from its budget to the Sub-Committee for the payment of reasonable travelling and living expenses to witnesses appearing before the Sub-Committee; That the Sub-Committee be empowered to retain the services of research officers from the Library of Parliament and; That it also be empowered to retain the professional, clerical and stenographic help as may be required. ...
...autorisé, sauf si la Chambre en ordonne autrement, à convoquer des personnes et à exiger la production de documents et de dossiers, à se réunir pendant que la Chambre siège, à entendre des témoignages, à se réunir lorsque le Comité ne siège pas, à moins que le président du comité permanent n'en décide autrement, à faire imprimer au jour le jour des documents et à permettre à son président, en l'absence de quorum, de tenir des réunions, d'entendre des témoignages pourvu qu'au moins 3 membres soient présents, dont un membre de l'opposition. ...