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Accept goods
Advice of goods received
Aggravated receiving of stolen goods
Aggravated receiving offence
Align antennae with receiving dish
Align antennae with receiving dishes
Approval of goods and services received
Being in possession of stolen goods
Check the labelling of received biological samples
Check the labels of received biological samples
Check the received biological samples
Coordinate antennae with receiving dishes
Goods purchased
Goods receipt
Goods received
Handling stolen goods
Obtain goods
Possession of stolen goods
Receive goods
Receiving of stolen goods
Receiving stolen goods
Receiving stolen property
Sync antennae with receiving dishes

Vertaling van "receive goods " (Engels → Frans) :

accept goods | goods receipt | obtain goods | receive goods

recevoir des marchandises

being in possession of stolen goods | handling | handling stolen goods | receiving | receiving stolen goods


possession of stolen goods [ receiving of stolen goods | receiving stolen property ]


aggravated receiving of stolen goods | aggravated receiving offence

recel aggravé

goods purchased | goods received

arrivages de marchandises | entrées de marchandises

approval of goods and services received [ performance of services/receipt of goods approval ]

approbation des biens ou des services reçus

handling stolen goods | receiving stolen goods | reset


advice of goods received

avis de réception de marchandises

align antennae with receiving dish | coordinate antennae with receiving dishes | align antennae with receiving dishes | sync antennae with receiving dishes

aligner des antennes et des paraboles

check information accuracy of received biological samples | check the labelling of received biological samples | check the labels of received biological samples | check the received biological samples

vérifier les prélèvements biologiques réceptionnés
The Commission has received good cooperation from Ukraine on FSJ issues.

La Commission a pu compter sur la coopération efficace de l’Ukraine sur les questions liées à la liberté, à la sécurité et à la justice.

13. Where a person who is entitled to receive goods receives from a carrier a notice, in printed or electronic form, to remove the goods and the person has not removed the goods within 72 hours after receipt of the notice in the case of goods imported but not released under the Customs Act, or within 48 hours in any other case, excluding holidays,

13. Lorsque la personne qui est autorisée à recevoir des marchandises reçoit du transporteur, sous forme imprimée ou électronique, un avis lui demandant d’enlever les marchandises et qu’elle ne les enlève pas dans les 72 heures après réception de l’avis, dans le cas de marchandises importées mais non dédouanées en vertu de la Loi sur les douanes, ou dans les 48 heures dans tout autre cas, jours fériés exclus :

This means that there is an even greater need for people to receive good information and for people to receive training.

Il devient donc d'autant plus important que les gens reçoivent l'information pertinente et la formation voulue.

We have excellent soldiers, excellent officers and non-commissioned officers, who are well supervised and who show a high level of good will, and who receive good training.

On a d'excellents soldats, d'excellents officiers et sous-officiers qui sont bien encadrés, et qui démontrent beaucoup de bonne volonté, et qui reçoivent un bon entraînement.

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We are making sure that Canadians receive good rail service, just as they receive good services in all transportation-related sectors.

On s'assure que les Canadiens reçoivent de bons services ferroviaires, tout comme ils reçoivent de bons services dans tous les secteurs liés aux transports.

If the consumer has received goods in connection with the contract:

Si le consommateur a reçu des biens dans le cadre du contrat:

1. Unless the trader has offered to collect the goods himself, the consumer shall send back the goods or hand them over to the trader or to a person authorised by the trader to receive the goods, without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which he has communicated his decision to withdraw from the contract to the trader in accordance with Article 11. The deadline shall be met if the consumer sends back the goods before the period of 14 days has expired.

1. À moins que le professionnel ne propose de récupérer lui-même ces biens, le consommateur renvoie ou rend les biens au professionnel ou à une personne habilitée par ce dernier à recevoir les biens, sans retard excessif et, en tout état de cause, au plus tard quatorze jours suivant la communication de sa décision de se rétracter du contrat au professionnel conformément à l’article 11. Ce délai est respecté si le consommateur renvoie les biens avant l’expiration du délai de quatorze jours.

The consumer should be considered to have control of the goods where he or a third party indicated by the consumer has access to the goods to use them as an owner, or the ability to resell the goods (for example, when he has received the keys or possession of the ownership documents).

Il convient de considérer que le consommateur a le contrôle des biens lorsque lui-même, ou un tiers qu’il a désigné, a accès aux biens pour les utiliser en tant que propriétaire, ou a la capacité de les revendre (par exemple, lorsqu’il a reçu les clés ou qu’il est entré en possession des documents de propriété).

Where a consumer withdraws from a credit agreement in connection with which he has received goods, in particular from a purchase in instalments or from a hiring or leasing agreement providing for an obligation to purchase, this Directive should be without prejudice to any regulation by Member States of questions concerning the return of the goods or any related questions.

Lorsque le consommateur se rétracte dans le cadre d'un contrat de crédit en vertu duquel il a reçu des biens, en particulier dans le cas d'un achat payé par versements échelonnés ou d'un contrat de location ou de crédit-bail assorti d'une obligation d'achat, la présente directive devrait s'appliquer sans préjudice de toute disposition des États membres réglant les questions relatives à la restitution des biens ou toute autre question connexe.

Mr. Norman Doyle (St. John's East, PC): Mr. Speaker, businesses on the island of Newfoundland receiving goods from or exporting goods to Canada must run a gauntlet of toll gates on the Trans-Canada Highway in the maritimes.

M. Norman Doyle (St. John's-Est, PC): Monsieur le Président, les entreprises de Terre-Neuve qui importent des marchandises du Canada et y en exportent, sont aux prises avec les postes à péage qui jalonnent la transcanadienne dans les Maritimes.
