Before the start of the Commission's delibera
tions on its future policy and working methods, the portfolios were distributed as follows: Jacques Delors Secretariat-General and Legal Service Monetary affairs Spokesman's Service Forward studies unit Joint Interpreting and Conference Service Security Office Frans Andriessen External relations and trade policy Cooperation with other European countries Henning Christophersen Economic and financial affairs Coordination of structural Funds Statistical Office Manuel Marín Cooperation and development Fisheries - 2 - Filippo Maria Pandolfi Science, research and development Telecommunications, info
...[+++]rmation technology and innovation Joint Research Centre Martin Bangemann Internal market and industrial affairs Relations with the European Parliament Leon Brittan Competition Financial institutions Carlo Ripa di Meana Environment Nuclear safety Civil protection Antonio Cardoso e Cunha Personnel, administration and translation Energy and Euratom Supply Agency Small business, distributive trades and tourism Cooperatives Abel Matutes Mediterranean policy Relations with Latin America North-South relations Peter Schmidhuber Budget Financial control - 2 - Christiane Scrivener Taxation and customs union Matters relating to the overall tax burden (taxes plus social security contributions) Bruce Millan Regional policies Jean Dondelinger Audiovisual and cultural affairs Information and communication A people's Europe Office for Official Publications Ray MacSharry Agriculture Rural development Karel Van Miert Transport Credit and investments Protection and promotion of consumer interests Vasso Papandreou Employment, industrial relations and social affairs Human resources, education and training * * *Avant d'ouvrir la journee de travail consacree aux orientations de la prochaine Commission et a ses methodes de travail, la repartition des attributions a ete arretee comme suit: Jacques DELORS Secretariat General et Service Juridique Affaires Monetaires Service du Porte-Parole Cellule de prospective Service commun interpretation-conferences Bureau de Securite. Frans ANDRIESSEN Relations exterieures et politique commerciale Cooperation avec les autres pays europeens. Henning CHRISTOPHERSEN Affaires Economiques et Financieres Coordination des Fonds structurels Office Statistique Manuel MARIN Cooperation et Developpement Politique de la peche - 2 - Filippo Maria PANDOLFI Science, Recherche et Developpement Telecommunications, Industries de l'
...[+++]information et innovation Centre Commun de Recherche. Martin BANGEMANN Marche Interieur et Affaires Industrielles Relations avec le Parlement. Leon BRITTAN Politique de la concurrence Institutions financieres Carlo RIPA di MEANA Environnement Securite nucleaire Protection civile Antonio CARDOSO E CUNHA Personnel, Administration et Traduction Energie et Agence d'approvisionnement EURATOM PME, Artisanat, Commerce, Tourisme Economie sociale (Cooperation-Mutualite) Abel MATUTES Politique mediterraneenne Relations avec l'Amerique Latine Relations Nord-Sud Peter SCHMIDHUBER Budget Controle Financier - 3 - Christiane SCRIVENER Fiscalite et Union douaniere Questions relatives aux prelevements obligatoires (prelevements fiscaux et sociaux) Bruce MILLAN Politiques regionales Jean DONDELINGER Affaires audiovisuelles et culturelles Information et communication Europe des Citoyens Office des publications Ray MACSHARRY Agriculture Developpement rural Karel VAN MIERT Transports Credit et Investissement Protection et promotion des interets des consommateurs Vasso PAPANDREOU Emploi, relations industrielles et affaires sociales Ressources humaines, eduction et formation.