It is thus indisputable that Mr Musotto was interviewed in his capacity as a Member of Parliamen
t. He also gave his answers in that capacity, and it seems to me that any result which threatened to waive his immunity, or which threatened not to u
phold his immunity, would go against the spirit, if not the letter, of the law. That is th
e unanimous opinion reached by the Committee on ...[+++] Legal Affairs in the course of lengthy debates.
C’est donc indiscutablement en qualité de parlementaire qu’il a été interrogé et qu’il a répondu et toute solution qui viserait à ne pas lui accorder le bénéfice de l’immunité ou à ne pas défendre son immunité serait, me semble-t-il, contraire sinon à la lettre, en tout cas à l’esprit du texte. C’est l’avis unanime qu’a formé, après de longs débats, la commission juridique.