As for those who, like the Bloc Quebecois, take advantage of this to say that the federal government has no right to be involved with the environment, I have two things to say to them. First, let them ask the Government of Quebec to take the time to hold an independent public examination of its environmental management as rigorous as this one, and the population will see how Quebec is sliding backward as far as the environment is concerned.
Quant à ceux qui, comme le Bloc québécois, en profitent pour dire que le fédéral n'a pas sa place en environnement, je leur dirai deux choses: qu'ils demandent au gouvernement du Québec de prendre le temps de procéder à un examen public indépendant, aussi rigoureux qu'ici, de sa gestion environnementale, et la population verra à quel point le Québec recule en environnement.