To take the example of environmental policy, there is what is known as the shoot, shovel and shut up phenomenon where someone recognizes that he or she has an endangered species on his or her property and seeks to shoot it, then shovel and hide the evidence in order to protect the property from having its usage restricted by laws. This is what we see going on in Goulbourn where right now people are clearing their land in order to ensure they do not get wetland designation.
Dans le cas de la politique environnementale par exemple, on constate un certain phénomène d'élimination silencieuse, c'est-à-dire que des gens qui se rendent compte que des espèces en voie de disparition sont installées sur leurs terres décident souvent de tirer, enterrer et se taire pour empêcher que les autorités restreignent l'utilisation de leurs terres.