Thence south-easterly along the said north-easterly limit of Approach Surface 14 on an azimuth of 146°17′41″ to the intersection thereof with the north-easterly limit of the Transitional Surface which line has an azimuth of 138°20′14″, the U.T.M. co-ordinates of which said intersection are 4,763,997.076 North, 391,555.649 East;
De là, en direction sud-est le long de ladite limite nord-est de la surface d’approche 14 dans un azimut de 146°17′41″ jusqu’à son intersection avec la limite nord-est de la surface de transition dont la ligne a un azimut de 138°20′14″, les coordonnées de ladite intersection d’après le système U.T.M. étant 4 763 997,076 Nord et 391 555,649 Est;