It is furthermore alleged by the claimant that Luigi de Magistris made false and libellous accusations against him and his wife, who worked as a judge at the Court of Catanzaro when Luigi de Magistris was a public prosecutor and who took over from him the investigation in the criminal case ‘Why not?’, which concerned allegations of fraud committed against the European Union, involving wrongful appropriation and misspending of funds.
Le requérant prétend par ailleurs que Luigi de Magistris a porté des accusations fausses et calomnieuses contre lui et sa femme, qui était juge au tribunal de Catanzaro au moment où Luigi de Magistris était procureur et a repris son enquête dans l'affaire criminelle "Why not?" qui concernait des allégations de fraudes commises contre l'Union européenne, impliquant des perceptions indues et des gaspillages de fonds.