The Act was amended in December 2005 to allow for the destruction of seized property (San Grewal, “A Flat-Out-Street-Racing Fight; Modified Cars on Hit List; ‘I know one thing . these cars won’t be back on the street again’; Police Seize Cars Under Crime Law; MPP Revs Up Push for Street-Racing Bill,” The Toronto Star, 16 June 2006, p. B5).
La Loi a été modifiée en décembre 2005 pour permettre la destruction des biens confisqués (San Grewal, « A Flat-Out-Street-Racing fight Modified Cars on Hit List ‘l Know one Thing. These Cars Won’t Be Back on the Street Again’; Police Seize Cars Under Crime Law MPP Revs Up Push for Street-Racing Bill », The Toronto Star, 16 juin 2006, p. B5).