What is clear is that MEPs have received information from a variety of sources about the incident at De Kuip Stadium in Rotterdam and as a result, some have the impression that the situation got out of hand in a big way and that the incident was terrible, and they formed their opinions based on this information. Others, who gained their information from other sources, have the impression that the situation got out hand there but not to such a reprehensible extent.
De toute évidence, certains collègues ont reçu diverses informations à propos de ce qui s’est passé dans le stade de Rotterdam et certains éprouvent dès lors le sentiment que les choses ont sérieusement dégénéré, ce qui a également influencé leur jugement. S’appuyant sur d’autres informations, d’aucuns ont l’impression que la situation s’est effectivement dégradée, mais pas au point de susciter de si lourdes accusations.