This is despite what I would class, and I think anyone would class, as an exhaustive study. When this special joint committee took on this task, there were some 520 witnesses, 55 meetings across the country, and they came up with this exhaustive study that included 48 recommendations, which included, as I said, a preamble that would lay out the groundwork or set the principle of shared parenting.
Lorsque ce comité mixte spécial a fait son étude, il a reçu quelque 520 témoins, convoqué 55 réunions dans toutes les régions du pays, et préparé une véritable étude exhaustive qui a donné lieu à 48 recommandations, y compris, comme je vous le disais tout à l'heure, un préambule établissant les principes de base, et notamment le principe du partage des responsabilités parentales.