Senator Moore: I find it interesting, Mr. Oakey, that you think that unionized groups, be they writers or labourers, disclose all of their financial information — and if you read the act you will see that it goes beyond the $5,000 limit and covers everything, even the guy who cuts the lawn at the union hall — yet I think you said it is not appropriate for these companies, who enjoy tax benefits and write off their dues, to disclose the same thing.
Le sénateur Moore : Monsieur Oakey, il est intéressant que vous pensiez que les syndicats — guildes d'écrivains ou syndicats de journaliers — divulguent tous leurs renseignements financiers. Si vous lisez le projet de loi, vous verrez que cela dépasse la limite de 5 000 $ et vise tout, même le jeune homme qui tond le gazon au siège du bureau syndical.