In the present case, it is clear from the do
cuments in the case that the action before the Tribunal was brought within the time-limit of three months laid down in the Staff Regulations, extended on account of d
istance by a single period of 10 days from the date on which the applicant received notification that the complaint had been rejected; that the applicant challenges the decision regarding his grading on his appointment as a temporary agent, which he regards as adversely affecting him, and that he has a legal interest in b
ringing pr ...[+++]oceedings since he is challenging an administrative decision of individual application producing binding legal effects that directly and immediately affect his interests.
En l’espèce, il ressort du dossier que le recours devant le Tribunal a été introduit dans le délai statutaire de trois mois augmenté du délai de distance forfaitaire de dix jours à compter de la notification au requérant du rejet de la réclamation ; que le requérant conteste l’acte de classement lors de son engagement comme agent temporaire, qu’il considère comme lui faisant grief, et qu’il a intérêt à agir dans la mesure où il conteste une décision administrative de portée individuelle produisant des effets juridiques obligatoires de nature à affecter directement et immédiatement ses intérêts.