The phrase ‘techniques of the plain’ means those methods for processing and curing pig meat that developed as far back as the Etruscan and Roman period owing to
the presence of pig farms dedicated, among other things, to supplying food for the Roman le
gions. In the hills around the plain, these techniques were combined with the opportunity to make easier use of the salt from the Salsomaggiore mines as a result of the hills being the traditional focal point for processing the salt, which, being a precious substance, was processed in ar
...[+++]eas that were located far from communication routes and were thus more secure from possible raids.
Par «techniques des plaines», il faut entendre les pratiques de transformation et de maturation des viandes de porc qui se sont développées à l’époque étrusque et romaine en raison également de la présence d’élevages porcins destinés, notamment, à fournir des aliments aux légions romaines et qui, sur les collines en bordure des plaines, ont profité d’une utilisation plus facile du sel provenant des mines de Salsomaggiore, commune des collines où se concentraient traditionnellement les activités de transformation du sel.