3.- The European Council held in The Hague The European Council, which met in The Hague on 26 and 27 June 1986, included in its conclusions a section on drugs in
which it expressed itself "gravely concerned about the serious problem of drug abuse" and considered it advisable "to organize ad hoc collaboration between the Member States and the European Commission to exami
ne what initiatives could be taken in this area without their being any duplication with work carried out elsewhere"./.- 2 - 4.- Informal Council meeting in London on i
...[+++]nternal affairs At the informal Council meeting on internal affairs, held in London on 20 October 1986, the Ministers "agreed that the Member States in connection with the Community had an important role to play in the international effort to combat drug production, trafficking and misuse".4.- Conseil informel des Ministres de l'Interieur de Londres.- Sur le theme de la drogue, le Conseil informel des Ministres de l'Interieur qui s'est reuni a Londres le 20 octobre 1986 a declare que les Ministres "se sont mis d'accord sur le fait que la Communaute et ses Etats membres ont un role important a jouer dans le renforcement de la lutte contre l'abus des drogues".