Municipalities in most of the EU-25, the EFTA states, Croatia and Romania, as well as in Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Japan, Taiwan and Venezuela, plan to hold a Car-Free Day and/or take other initiatives during European Mobility Week to promote ‘clever commuting’ through the use of low- or no
-pollution forms of transport. To date 937 towns and cities have registered their participation and the number is still rising. Local initiatives planned include the introduction of new or improved public transport services, city-centre pedestrian zones, bicycle lanes and rental facilities,
...[+++] zones with a 30 km/h speed limit, new ‘park and ride’ services between the city centre and suburbs, and car-sharing databases.À ce jour, 937 villes et agglomérations se sont inscrites, et leur nombre augmente encore. Au nombre des initiatives locales prévues figurent la création ou l’amélioration de services de transport en commun, de zones piétonnes dans les centres-villes, de pistes cyclables et de possibilités de location de bicyclettes, de zones où la vitesse est limitée à 30 km/h, de services «park and ride» entre le centre-ville et la banlieue et de bases de données pour le covoiturage.