There are other forms of it, but I think the statistics so far and your previous witnesses, Yvon Dandurand and RCMP Sergeant Lori Lowe, have commented that we believe 92% would be trafficked victims who are involved in the sex trade. Also, on your commentary around ensuring that victims are treated as victims, I will tell you that in Vancouver we've never charged a female sex trade worker with being found in a common bawdy house.
Il y en a d'autres formes, mais d'après les statistiques recueillies jusqu'à maintenant, et les témoins précédents, Yvon Dandurand et le sergent Lori Lowe de la GRC, l'ont d'ailleurs dit, nous croyons que 92 p. 100 des victimes de la traite sont forcées de se livrer au commerce du sexe.