It is estimated that the Minister of Justice receives about 50 to 70 applications for ministerial review each year (8) Generally, the Department of Justice requests the following material in support of an application: a description of the reasons behind the claim of a miscarriage of justice, and any new information to supp
ort the claim; the trial transcripts; a copy of all court judgements in the case; and the factums filed on appeal (9) Once these materials are provided, Justice Department counsel conduct a preliminary assessment of the file to determine whether there is an “air of reality” to the applicant’s claims, based on new and
...[+++] significant information that was not available at trial (10) If this threshold is met, the applicant’s claims will be investigated and then a recommendation will be made to the Minister (11)
Le Ministre reçoit, estime-t-on, entre 50 et 70 demandes de révision par an(8). En règle générale, le ministère de la Justice demande que l’on joigne les éléments d’information suivants à l’appui d’une demande : une description des motifs pour lesquels il y aurait eu erreur judiciaire et toute nouvelle information à l’appui de la demande, la transcription du procès, un exemplaire de tous les jugements des tribunaux dans la cause et les mémoires déposés en appel(9).