The over-arching concern expressed in the IAS report relates to a lack of competition regarding the role of CESD as a supplier of technical assistance in statistics contracts. The over-arching response is that EuropeAid, as was mandated at the time of its establishment, has generally relied on Eurostat's judgement when identifying and assessing the suitability of contractors offering advice in the field of statistics. With hindsight and I emphasise that point the consistent advice in favour of using CESD on the part of Eurostat, despite what they knew internally about the organisation, could have aroused concern.
À la lumière de ce que l'on sait aujourd'hui et j'insiste sur ce point le fait qu'Eurostat ait continué de recommander les services du CESD, en dépit des informations dont l'office disposait, en interne, au sujet de cette organisation, aurait pu constituer une source de préoccupation.