Aid and Information Supplied to Purchasers of CANDU Reactor-Safeguard of Signing Non-Proliferation Agreement-Government Position Hon. Mira Spivak: Honourable senators, a report in today's Ottawa Citizen makes it clear that Canada has offered, and is still offering, technical assistance to India and Pakistan, violating the spirit if not the letter of our 22-year ban on abetting nuclear weapons efforts in those countries.
L'honorable Mira Spivak: Honorables sénateurs, un article du Ottawa Citizen d'aujourd'hui dit clairement que le Canada a offert et offre toujours une aide technique à l'Inde et au Pakistan, ce qui enfreint l'esprit, sinon la lettre de l'interdiction, vieille de 22 ans, d'une aide canadienne aux efforts d'armement nucléaire dans ces pays.