In Europe, there are two prevailing ideologies in Brussels that are threatening the development of our countries. One is the doctrine of free trade, which is destroying our industrial fabric and which led to the Lisbon Strategy in 2000, and the other is Malthusianism, which has led on the one hand to the destruction of our vines and to our most fertile land being left fallow, and on the other to our demographic decline.
En Europe, deux idéologies régnant à Bruxelles menacent le développement de nos nations: le libre-échangisme, destructeur de notre tissu industriel, qui a inspiré en 2000 la stratégie de Lisbonne, et le malthusianisme, qui conduit, d’une part, à la destruction de nos vignes et à la mise en jachère de nos terres les plus fertiles et, d’autre part, à la chute de notre démographie.