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Traduction de «index of nursing and allied health » (Français → Néerlandais) :

Association Belge des Ostéopathes Classique / Belgische Associatie van Klassieke Osteopaten America Chiropractic Association Anglo-European College of Chiropractic Allied and Complementary Medicine Arrêté Royal Association des Chiropracticiens Belges Belgian School of Osteopathy (Wet) Beroepen in de Individuele Gezondheidszorg Bristish Medical Association Complementary and Alternative Medicine Collège Belge d’Ostéopathie Council of Chiropractic Education Comité Européen de Normalisation European committee for Standardization Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature Centre for Reviews and Dissemination Debategraph Doctor i ...[+++]

Allied and Complementary Medicine Koninklijk Besluit Association des Chiropracticiens Belges Belgian School of Osteopathy (Wet) Beroepen in de Individuele Gezondheidszorg Bristish Medical Association Belgisch Staatsblad Complementary and Alternative Medicine Collège Belge d’Ostéopathie Council of Chiropractic Education Comité Européen de Normalisation/ European committee for Standardization Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature Centre for Reviews and Dissemination Debategraph Doctor in chiropractic Diplomed in osteopathy (USA: Doctor in osteopathy) Evidence Based Medicine European Council on Chiropractic Education Euro ...[+++]

Clinical examination skills for healthcare professionals Today, an increasing number of healthcare professionals (including nurses, midwives and members of many allied professions) have to conduct the vital first stage in a patient’s journey – taking a clinical history and conducting an effective physical [ Bibliothèque ] [ 12/01/2014 ]

Clinical examination skills for healthcare professionals Today, an increasing number of healthcare professionals (including nurses, midwives and members of many allied professions) have to conduct the vital first stage in a patient’s journey – taking a clinical history and conducting an effective physical [ bibliotheek ] [ 12/01/2014 ]

Lecture: A nation-wide project for the revision of the belgian nursing minimum dataset (.Powerpoint) : from concept to implementation by Walter Sermeus, Centre for Health Services Research, Catholic University of Leuven (B)

Lecture: A nation-wide project for the revision of the belgian nursing minimum dataset : from concept to implementation (.Powerpoint) by Walter Sermeus, Centre for Health Services Research, Catholic University of Leuven (B)

La prise en charge chirurgicale des complications est relativement bien décrite dans la littérature et des guides pour les professionnels de santé existent dans d’autres pays (Toubia, 1999, Danish National Board of Health, 2000, RCN-Royal College of Nursing, 2006).

De heelkundige verzorging van de verwikkelingen wordt in de literatuur vrij goed beschreven en in andere landen bestaan er gidsen voor de gezondheidszorgbeoefenaars (Toubia, 1999; Danish National Board of Health, 2000; Royal College of Nursing, 2006).

Conseillée dans les directives de l’OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), de l’ASHP (American Societey of Hospitals Pharmacists) et de l’ONS (Oncology Nursing Society).

Aanbevolen in de richtlijnen van OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), ASHP (American Society of Hospitals Pharmacists) en ONS (Oncology Nursing Society).

Une étude prospective réalisée chez des femmes adultes suivies durant huit ans (Nurses’ Health Study II) indique qu’une consommation quotidienne d’une ration, ou plus, de boissons sucrées augmente de près de deux fois l’incidence du diabète de type 2, par rapport aux femmes qui ne consommaient qu’une ration de boissons sucrées par semaine (Schulze et al., 2004).

Een prospectieve studie, uitgevoerd bij volwassen vrouwen die tijdens acht jaar gevolgd werden (Nurses’ Health Study II), wijst erop dat een dagelijks verbruik van een of meer porties zoete dranken bijna twee maal de incidentie van diabetes van type 2 verhoogt ten opzichte van vrouwen die slechts één portie zoete dranken per week verbruikten (Schulze et al., 2004).

Une étude portant sur plus de 120.000 hommes et femmes ayant participé à la Health Professionals Follow-Up Study et à la Nurses Health Study suggère que le risque de cancer du pancréas diminue progressivement pour les personnes chez lesquelles l'apport de vitamine D (par l'alimentation) est plus important, par rapport aux personnes chez qui l'apport est le plus faible.

Een onderzoek bij meer dan 120.000 mannen en vrouwen uit de Health Professionals Follow-Up Study en de Nurses Health Study, suggereert dat een hogere vitamine D-inname (via de voeding) een geleidelijk dalend risico op pancreaskanker oplevert, zeker in vergelijking met de laagste inname.

La recherche de directives sur les “evidence based websites” classiques (Cochrane Library, US National Clearinghouse, NICE, SIGN, New Zealand Guidelines Group, National Health and Medical Research Council, Prodigy, CMA Infobase, GAC guidelines, Primary Care Clinical Practice Guidelines, AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Clinical Evidence, National Library for Health (Guideline Finder), SumSearch) avec les termes de recherche “ ‘pneumonia’ and ‘nursing home’ “ n ...[+++]

Zoeken op de klassieke evidence based websites voor richtlijnen (Cochrane Library, US National Clearinghouse, NICE, SIGN, New Zealand Guidelines Group, National Health and Medical Research Council, Prodigy, CMA Infobase, GAC guidelines, Primary Care Clinical Practice Guidelines, AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Clinical Evidence, National Library for Health (Guideline Finder), SumSearch) met de zoekterm “ ‘pneumonia’ and ‘nursing home’ “ l ...[+++]

° SIGN (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network) ° Prodigy / Klinical knowledge summaries (NHS) (Department of Health) ° NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) ° Centre for Evidence-Based Mental Health ° Royal College of Nursing

° SIGN [Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network] ° NICE CKS [Clinical Knowledge Summaries] ° NICE [National Institute for Clinical Excellence] ° Centre for Evidence-Based Mental Health ° Royal College of Nursing

Plusieurs études d’observation (par ex. la Nurses’ Health Study) ont suggéré un effet cardioprotecteur (coronaire, cérébro-vasculaire) de la substitution hormonale.

Een aantal observationele studies (b.v. de Nurses’ Health Study) suggereerden een cardioprotectief effect voor HST (coronair, cerebrovasculair).

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Date index: 2024-03-01