These aberrations should have remained confined to the British Isles, but doing away with borders within Europe has allowed adulterated chocolate to move freely, to the extent that today, in seven out of our fifteen countries, without being aware of it, consumers are swallowing chocolate that has been tampered with, and that includes Mr Haider’s Austria which, in that respect, has something in common with Mr Guterres’ Portugal.
Ces aberrations auraient dû demeurer confinées aux îles Britanniques, mais la suppression des frontières a laissé circuler le chocolat frelaté. Au point qu'aujourd'hui, dans sept pays sur quinze, les consommateurs avalent sans le savoir du chocolat manipulé, y compris dans l'Autriche de M. Haider qui, là, se retrouve avec le Portugal de M. Guterres.