– (FR) Madam President, the Africa of today has two faces: first there is the one of extreme poverty and human
tragedy, as in the case of Darfur and Somalia, and then there is the other fac
e, which is all too often ignored, of a continent that in spite of everything is
innovating, that is becoming more democratic, although too slowly, and that little by little is returning to the path of gr
– Madame la Présidente, l'Afrique a aujourd'hui deux visages: celui de l'extrême pauvreté et des drames humains, comme au Darfour ou en Somalie, mais aussi celui, trop souvent passé sous silence, d'un continent qui, quand même, innove, qui se démocratise même si c'est trop lentement, et qui retrouve, petit à petit, le chemin de la croissance.