- 3 - The Communication is intended to re-open, therefore, the debate on migration policy and the Commission hopes that all the interested parties (Council, Parliament and migrant groups) will contribute in a positive fashion to the search for a solution to the many problems which the Community faces in this area (1) Bulletin of the European Communities 7/75: Supplement on "Towards European Citizenship" (2) Directive EEC/486/77 - OJ No. L 199/32 of 6.8.1977
La communication vise par consequent a rouvrir le debat sur la politique migratoire et la Commission espere que toutes les parties interessees (Conseil, Parlement et communautes de migrants), contribueront de maniere positive a la recherche d'une solution aux nombreux problemes auxquels la Communaute est confrontee dans ce domaine. (1) Directive 77/486/CEE, J.O. no. L 199 du 6.8.1977, p.32