When we were preparing for your visit, we did a little bit of research. I'
ll just read what I have here: according to a prominent Venezuelan Jewish organization, the Confederation of Israelite Associations of Venezuela, the denunciation of Chávez by American-based organizations, suc
h as the ADL or the Simon Wiesenthal Center, have been counterproductive, because at the time—this is 2009, following the incidents the Venezuelan government was reaching out to the Jewish community in Caracas; last year, Mr. Bittan,
the vice-p ...[+++]resident, said that the Venezuelan government has been addressing the Jewish community’s complaints, while noting that the number of anti-Semitic articles in the Venezuelan media had “dropped by 60%”.
Je vais tout simplement vous lire ce que j'ai ici: d'après une organisation juive bien connue du Venezuela, la Confédération des Associations israélites du Venezuela, la dénonciation de Chávez par des organismes américains comme ADL ou le Centre Simon Wiesenthal a été contre-productive, parce qu'à l'époque — c'est-à-dire en 2009, à la suite des incidents — , le gouvernement vénézuélien s'efforçait de tendre la main à la communauté juive de Caracas.