To that end, and given its own slim structures and therefore lack of a prospecting network of its own, the ECF will need to seek the as
sistance of : - its shareholders, which will have to transmit projects to it; - its national correspondents, i.e. the other institutions in the Club which are not shareholders; - the credit institutions and investment companies of which the members of the Club are shareholders; - public and private, national and local credit institutions and investment companies, with which the ECF will have to establish "personal" links; - the Commission, which knows the efficient firms throug
h the prog ...[+++]rammes it supports (technology, Esprit, Eureka, etc.); - the EIB; - the EVCA (European Venture Capital Association). The ECF's activities will consist in : a) the promotion of ventures; b) the study of business plans or project financing and assistance towards the implementation of such plans and financing; c) the integration of financial services, support for all the information services and contacts at transnational level necessary for getting ventures off the ground (e.g. contacts with the national authorities and organizations concerned).A ce but, compte tenu de ses propres structures legeres et, consequemment, de l'absence de son propre reseau de prospection, ECF devrait activer le concours de : - ses actionnaires, qui auront a lui transmettre des projets; - ses correspondants nationaux, c'est-a-dire les autres institutions du Club qui ne seraient pas actionnaires; - les institutions de credit et les societes de partici- pation dont les membres du Club sont actionnaires; - les institutions de credit et les societes de partici- pation publiques et privees, nationales ou locales, et avec lesquelles ECF devrait etablir des liens "personnels"; - La Commission qui connait les entreprises performantes par les programmes qu'elle soutient (technologie, Esprit, Eureka....); -
...[+++]la BEI; - l'EVCA (European Venture Capital Association); L'activite de ECF s'orientera vers : a) la promotion d'initiatives; b) l'etude des "business plan" ou des "project financing" et l'assistance pour leur realisation; c) l'integration des services financiers, l'appui pour tous les renseignements et les contacts, au niveau transnational, necessaires au demarrage des initiatives (ex. : contacts avec les autorites et les milieux nationaux concernes).